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The nominated skipper must be an Ordinary, Crew, Associate, Reciprocal, or Junior Financial Member of PFSYC
Any candidate must be a registered Member of a Club affiliated with Yachting Australia
Attention is drawn to requirement (46) in RRS that as of 1 January 2022 all crew in any race will be required to be a member of an affiliated Club and registered with Australian Sailing. It is the responsibility of the person in charge of the boat to ensure that all crew members on board for each race comply with this prescription.
Our Club standard of dress for all competing crew is all white sailing rig (white shorts/trousers and shirt) or boating uniform. Members are asked to respect this standard especially on Opening Day and all Summer Sunday Events.
Nomination forms will be required for the Parmelia Night Race, and Wally & Glenys Pickford Memorial Marathon Race.
Safety & Responsibility
Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club (Inc) and its officials or assistants are not responsible for the seaworthiness of any competing boats, nor the competence of any competing crew. On making entry to any Club event, the entrant agrees that the Club or its officials are not liable for any damage, loss or injury to any person, that occurs at any Club event.
Operable marine VHF radios shall be carried, which may be permanently installed or be waterproof handheld and shall be turned on whilst racing.
It is recommended that all sailors competing single or double-handed shall wear a PFD.
Races will be postponed or cancelled if lightning is present. The Club requests and encourages its skippers to seek safe shelter ASAP in lightning conditions. Each skipper has the right to determine whether conditions are dangerous.
A minimum of three (3) boats are required to start in any race for a result to be recorded. There must be a minimum of three (3) boats for the starters to go through the starting procedure. The starters are not obliged to finish these boats. Results are at the discretion of the Race Committee.
Start Box Access
With the exception of starting officials and Race Committee, no person is permitted to enter the starting box unless permission is granted by the starter.
Changes to Sailing Instructions
Notices to competitors and any changes to Sailing Instructions will be posted on the Regatta board located downstairs on river side of building (bottom of stairs). Failure to observe such postings will not invalidate such amendment or notification.
An "L" flag may be flown from the start box yardarm.
Navigation Marks
All navigation marks shall be passed on the deep-water side, and any mark designated a course mark shall be passed on the side denoted on the course sheet.
Boats that are racing are not permitted to cross an imaginary line between;
Bricklanding A and Bricklanding B
Smith Buoy and Lucky Bay Buoy
Exoneration of a rule breach can be made by executing a 720 degree turn.​
Support Craft
Support craft carrying a green and white diagonal flag will have right of way at all times. Actions by support craft will not be grounds for seeking redress.
Daylight Events will be Category 7 - RRS
It is up to each skipper, whether from Perth Flying Squadron Yacht Club or on a visiting boat, to ensure that their boat complies with Category 7. Our Sailing Safety Officer will do spot checks throughout the session
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